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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) that compatible with Saru establishment goals

Saru fashion establishment works on several cross cutting development goals.


Goal 1: No poverty

Saru fashion establishment has worked to achieve this goal by creating jobs for a large number of women and young girls in marginalised communities in Jordan, working with Palestinian refugees in Gaza camp - who have not granted Jordanian citizenship- which has been a burden for them to find a decent work with sustainable income. Saru fashion in partnership with UNICEF have been working on cross cutting areas, and developed a set of craft based training courses, such as; hand-embroidery and fashion design, that are followed by employment opportunities, which has impacted over 400 women, and their families and children’s lives, and directly impacted their well being, and livelihood. 


Goal 4: Quality education

Saru fashion establishment with the support of local community has been able to establish a children educational center in Gaza refugee camp - Jerash.

The educational center establishment came as a result of an urgent need to help children in Gaza refugee camp follow up with their educational institutions, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and their in ability to study online due to limited access to the internet.

4 young female youth leaders from our leadership training said; "Boys and girls in the camp reach third class without knowing how to write or read, we need to solve this problem". Three months later we were proud to open doors to children in the camp to recap what they missed at school especially after COVID-19 pandemic, and their inability to follow up with the online classes due to poverty, and/or lack of access to the internet. Thanks to all donors who made it possible.

Luckily during the period of 9 months now we’ve been able to help 261 children in Arabic reading and writing, english language, math, and behavioral education. 

We are still looking for partnerships to expand our impact, contact us to info@sarufashion.com if you would like to join forces.


Goal 5: Gender equality

Saru fashion establishment helps women by affording equal rights to economic resources by creating opportunities for women and building skills to drive their economic empowerment - as entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders.

As part of our livelihood enhancement work, we follow “The sustainable livelihood approach”, it is important for us to create new opportunities for people in rural areas, and those who are marginalized, and excluded - Gaza camp - in our area of concern. On a study we have made, 19% of the girls and women interviewed  stated that they commence to the center as a recreational activity, to gather and make friends, which indicates a lack of recreational activities, and places to hang out in the camp community, especially for those moving into adulthood, social health and well-being is important in this age in particular for healthy transition from adolescence to adulthood.


Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Saru fashion establishment worked to create decent jobs for women from their homes, based on craft training, we provide the opportunity for 356 women and girls in Jordan, in partnership with UNICEF, and for 60 women in the UAE in partnership with Irthi council.

Based on an earlier research that we made during the past year, the impact of working on the embroidery craft on livelihood development, 90% of the interviewees stated that the work in embroidery craft did contribute to their family’s economic livelihood, and income generating, only 10% think that it wasn’t sustainable enough to enhance their living conditions. 

50% spent their earnings on basic needs, and contributed with their husbands on the household expenses, including; grocery, food, medicine, paying bills, and paying debts, while 30% spent their earnings on both basic needs, and secondary purchases depending on their variant economic situation, and 20% of the artisans spent their earnings on secondary purchases, such as; clothes, personal care products, gifts, giving away money in social occasions.


Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

Saru fashion establishment reduces the gap between men and women in accessing decent work opportunities, decent income opportunities, and social development. It also reduce the gap in employment and craft based training opportunities between Palestinian refugees, Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan to leave no one behind.


Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals 

Saru fashion establishment has held several partnerships, including its partnership with Unicef, to increase opportunities for innovation and promote ideas for sustainable growth and development.